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Within the past 15 years we have expanded to be one of the premier online supplement superstores! You can choose from a large variety of ephedra diet pills, DMAA products, SARMs, prohormones, CBD products, libido products, with many more products at everyday affordable prices. The personnel at i-Supplements includes certified personal trainers, professional bodybuilders, dietitians, and a nutritionist. Our #1 emphasis is to provide you with the facts necessary to help reach your health & training goals. You can educate yourself with our library of informative articles, product reviews & useful tips to enhance a healthy lifestyle. There are more than 500 articles on nutrition, diets, body building, weight loss, exercising & training for you to read. i-Supplements carries over 5,000 Health & Nutrition Supplements from 150+ brands. We work constantly to obtain and provide you with the best health & nutrition supplements available on the market!


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Within the past 10 years we have expanded to be one of the premier Online Supplement Superstores! You can choose from a large variety of Diet Pills with Ephedra, Best Indoor Tanning Lotions, Prohormones along with much more at everyday affordable prices. The personnel at i-Supplements.com includes nutritionist, certified personal trainers, professional bodybuilders, mma athletes, dietitians & reliable writers in the health & nutrition industry. The #1 Emphasis is to provide you with the facts necessary to help reach your health & training goals. You can educate yourself with our library of informative articles, product reviews & useful tips to enhance a healthy lifestyle. There are more than 500 articles on nutrition, diets, body building, weight loss, exercising & training for you to read. i-Supplements.com carries over 7000 Health & Nutrition Supplements from 500 brands. We work constantly to obtain and provide you with the best health & nutrition supplements available on the market!

CBD Oil is a natural cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant known as Hemp. This oil is also known as Hemp Oil or CBD Tincture. CBD Oil benefits provide numerous therapeutic advantages which is why it has been referred to as a ‘miracle compound.’


CBD Oil is a natural product that has certain advantages and uses that traditional medications can’t measure up to.

CBD Oil has been instrumental to people dealing with chronic pain. The reason for this being the way CBD Oil interacts with the body’s Endocannabinoid System, or ESC. Your body’s ECS helps in the reduction and management of pain that is brought about by conditions such as fibromyalgia (a pain disorder that causes hotspots in the neck and on the back) and rheumatoid arthritis.

Your Endocannabinoid System is made up cannabinoid receptors known as CB1 and CB2 that are responsible for regulating essential functions of the human body. These cannabinoid receptors are activated once CBD Oil, or other CBD products, are introduced into your system. CBD Oil, in return, helps regulate cramps and muscle pains associated with chronic pain. CBD Oil, in a sense, enlightens your body to assist areas of your body that need relief.

CBD Oil benefits also include relieving anxiety and nervousness. CBD Oil provides assistance to people who are anxious about things such as an exam, a job interview or even a presentation. It helps combat certain life stresses by increasing the quantity of anandamide in the brain. Anandamide is a neurotransmitter that affects the mood and is sometimes called the ‘’bliss molecule.”

Other CBD Oil Benefits include acting as a relaxant for people who are having trouble with insomnia. CBD Oil is an ideal solution for people battling insomnia, inadequate sleep, restlessness and those who have difficulty falling asleep. CBD Oil helps promote your circadian rhythm when taken right before going to bed, giving you a satisfying rest. It also acts in liaison with the natural systems of your body to help in the regulation of stress levels and to manage pain. CBD Oil has the potential to help ease you into a peaceful and longer night’s sleep.

Relief from inflammation is also among CBD Oil benefits. Inflammation in your body is taken as a good sign of your immune system responsiveness to injury. Natural inflammation means that you are healthy and your body is functioning normally. However, sometimes inflammation becomes an issue when it starts to attack body cells. Swelling causes pain, fatigue and other disruptive symptoms. CBD contains natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help regulate high levels of inflammation.

CBD Oil also has the potential to improve mood and helping in focus. When CBD Oil enters your body, it interacts with ECS cell receptors which have the potential for influencing mood, memory, appetite and so much more. Researchers have considered CBD a neuroprotective, meaning that it can help regulate signals sent to the limbic system of your brain. Your brain’s limbic system is responsible for emotional and memory response. Taking CBD Oil sublingually may help improve your current mental state and long-term memory recognition.


CBD can be extracted from both Cannabis plants, Hemp and Marijuana. CBD is generally derived from Hemp over Marijuana due to the higher concentrations of CBD in the plant. At Hemp Bombs, we derive out CBD from Industrial Hemp and are thus not products of Marijuana.

Contrary to Hemp, Marijuana contains high traces of THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid that causes a “high” or altered state of mind. Most Hemp plants comprise less than 0.3 percent of THC, which is not enough to induce psychoactive effects.

CBD, in fact, has the opposite effect of its sister cannabinoid THC. CBD will provide a calming and relaxing state of mind. You will be able to complete your normal daily routine such as typing out an email, exercising, or talking to a coworker without any worries. Those who use CBD daily report that it clears their brain of any mental fog, creating a better and happier self. Being a natural product, CBD Oil benefits have all the potential to impact your health positively.



5 Tips to Burn More Fat

1.Do not eat poor quality carbohydrates before bed. Poor quality carbohydrates are those that contain sugar or are highly processed. These would include most breakfast cereals, breads, snack foods, candies, and even fruits and juices. Eating these foods immediately prior to bedtime will likely result in increased fat deposit and will prevent your body from maintaining a successful fat-burning mode.

2.Never let yourself get too hungry, or too stuffed. It really is all about moderation. Time your meals so that you eat before you are starving. This one simple eating tip will cause you to almost always eat less. When you do eat, stop when your satisfied not when you are so stuffed you cannot even choke down another bite. Be sure to eat 4-6 smaller meals a day rather than 2-3 large meals.

3.Increase your muscle mass! The more lean muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn even at rest. Muscle is extremely active metabolically. Do some resistance training, add some muscle, and crank up that metabolism.

4.Double up on your cardio training. From time to time it may be beneficial to the fat-burning process for you to split your cardio training into two short sessions rather than one longer one. Studies suggest that people who do 30 minutes of morning cardio and then 30 minutes of evening cardio lose more fat than those doing just one 60 minute session.

5.Eat more high fiber foods. Most of us do not get enough fiber in our daily diets, and that’s just a shame. Fiber not only promotes overall general health, but also can significantly aid in your fat-burning efforts. Leafy greens and salads are ideal sources of fiber.



There are many fad diets that promise to help you lose weight in almost no time at all. After two or three weeks on the diet you find yourself losing enough to be able to brag to your family and friends about it, and you’re so optimistic that this new lifestyle will be your ticket to a smaller waistline that you start to browse the stores for new clothes.

You continue to lose weight for another couple of weeks, and then something happens: you start to feel sluggish, you begin craving something that your diet absolutely forbids you to have, or the general sense of optimism begins to transform itself into a feeling of constriction, frustration, and even dietary imprisonment.

You decide to have just one snack, or spend just one day eating whatever you want with the intention of going back to the diet the following day. What happens then, is that you feel such satisfaction from that treat that the entire effort falls apart and you put the weight back on in practically no time at all.

Does this scenario sound at all familiar?

Diets are very hard, as is the feeling of being overweight. Many of these fad diets may promise instant and significant weight loss results, but most of them rely on depriving your body of certain nutrients and disrupting the natural function of your body’s metabolism. Chinese medicine considers obesity to be partly the result of declining function of the metabolic fire of the kidney network and a diet that provides a well-balanced array of nutrients is the key to losing weight in a healthy way. What follows are five foods that will help you restore your body’s ability to use energy and help you become your healthy weight.

1. Millet: A well-balanced diet should consist of whole grains instead of refined grains like white rice and pasta, and millet is a beneficial and delicious staple of this category of food. This non-glutinous grain is over 10-percent protein, has high amounts of fiber and B-complex vitamins, and because it isn’t an acid forming food, is easy to digest.

2. Asparagus: When losing weight, it’s important to favor chlorophyll-rich foods, including asparagus. Asparagus is a nutrient-rich vegetable packed with folate, vitamins A, C, and K, and fiber. Asparagus also contains a carbohydrate known as inulin (not to be confused with insulin) that promotes healthy bacteria in the large intestine – which in turn promotes a healthier digestive function.

3. Pomegranates: Eating a balanced diet to lose weight should include eating fresh fruits, and pomegranates are a wonderful example of a healthy, nutritious fruit that has antioxidant properties and will help prevent cancer. While the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice have gained a lot of attention recently, you will be more likely to lose weight by eating the fruit fresh to increase your fiber intake and keep the calories down.

4. Pine Nuts: Pine nuts are the edible seeds of pine trees and are considered an essential ingredient in the tasty Italian mixture pesto. Chinese medicine uses pine nuts to improve gastrointestinal tract and digestive functions, and pine nut oil is even used for appetite suppression. Pine nuts and other nuts are a tasty part of a well-balanced diet intended for weight loss.

5. Green Tea: It has been found that consuming large amounts of coffee and caffeine can lead to food cravings, increase one’s appetite, and induce stress-related eating. Green tea is a wonderful alternative to coffee in that it does provide a little caffeine but also contains beneficial antioxidants. So drink up!

A healthy diet also includes lean proteins like chicken breast, legumes such as lentils, and other whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. While fad diets may promise a large amount of weight loss in a short period of time, there’s almost a guarantee that you will put that weight back on-and then some!

Eat five smaller meals a day, avoid processed foods, chew more slowly, and incorporate more healthy foods into your diet-starting with these five.



Walking, along with any other type of cardio is one of the easiest ways to blast fat and calories. Switch up your walking routine and add some flare. Combine short, high-intensity workouts with longer, slower-paced sessions throughout the week.

Not many people add variety to their cardio sessions; you’ll burn more fat and calories when changing your typical routine.

Follow these easy 7-day steps to a thinner new you!

Day 1: Take a long walk at a moderately steady pace for about 40-60 minutes and enjoy the weather!

This day is devoted to distance. Calories burned: Approx. 400

Day 2: You will achieve the most weight loss and calories burned by adding in another aerobic activity at least one to two days out of the week., try biking or swimming.

Day 2 is devoted to cross training. calories burned: Approx. 400

Day 3: Add in timed intervals throughout your routine.

As follows: Time (Min) Interval

0-5 Warm up

5-10 Add speed, working towards hard exertion

10-15 Decrease speed to less exertion

15-18 Add speed

18-22 Decrease speed to medium exertion

22-25 Add speed

25-30 Decrease speed for 2 minutes, add speed again

30-35 Cool down

Calories burned: Approx. 450

Day 4: Walk on an incline. You will burn more calories then continuing to walk along a flat surface. Inclines are a great way to strengthen your lower body. If you have trails close to you, find one with a series of small to moderate hills throughout it. Or use a treadmill and adjust the incline. Do not over exert yourself though, stay at a comfortable pace. Test yourself if you’d like, but if you tire quickly, back off and continue at a slower pace. Calories burned: Approx. 400

Day 5: Take a day off!

Day 6: Repeat Day 1

Day 7: Do some low circuit cardio for about 40-60 minutes. Incorporate a 20-minute circuit training session including the following basic exercises. Do 10-12 reps of each exercise, and perform the circuit about 2 to 3 times.


Alternating walking lunges



Bicep Curls

Bent-over rows

Crunches on an exercise ball

Bicycle crunches

Back extensions

Triceps extensions

Shoulder presses

calories burned: Approx. 180

*Calories burned are dependent on the weight of the individual.

Calorie counts are based on a weight of 135 – 145 pounds.

Abdominal Workout for Beach Body

Everyone wants to have a six-pack. Whether you’re having a relaxing day at the pool, or you’re strolling down the beach on a sunny afternoon, nothing says sexy like a tight mid-section. To get tight, sexy abs, there are three main areas that must be in alignment. These areas are proper nutrition, cardio training and an abdominal workout.

The following abdominal workout will hit your abs from a variety of angles, including your obliques and serratus. Here’s what to do.

Improve Your Abs

1. Crunches on a Swiss Ball – Doing crunches on a Swiss ball supports your back and helps you get a much better stretch in your abdominal muscles.

Do 100 total reps. If you can’t get all 100 reps at once, pause and keep going until you reach 100.

2. Hanging Leg Raises – You can do these with a harness or by holding yourself up, if your grip is strong enough. These will really focus on your lower abdominals.

Do 50 reps with the same premise as the crunches. Keep going until you get 50 reps.

3. Oblique Twist – You can either stand or sit to perform these. Using a broomstick or a small barbell, place it behind your neck as you would if you were doing a squat. Twist your torso to the right as far as you can go, keeping your lower body stable. Twist back to the left. This is one rep.

Do 100 reps of these.

After doing these abdominal exercises, lay on your stomach on the floor. With your forearms flat to the ground, push your torso upward. This will help to stretch out your stomach wall and abdominal muscles. If you haven’t been training your abdominals, this will be a critical step in reducing soreness.

Doing all the crunches or abdominal workouts in the world will not help to show off your tight mid-section if your nutrition is out of alignment. These exercises alone are not going to be enough to get rid of stubborn belly fat. Along with the above abdominal workout, you need to have a sensible eating and cardio plan.

For cardio, you don’t need to spend hours upon hours on a treadmill. Try doing just 20 minutes a day at a moderate pace. You can also mix things up quite a bit when it comes to cardio training. Take a kickboxing class or Zumba. Spinning classes or swimming are also great cardio choices to incorporate with your abdominal workout. Your gym probably offers a wide variety of classes to help break up the monotony of cardio training.

Proper nutrition should be your foundation for losing stomach fat. A low carbohydrate diet plan may help you lose stomach fat faster, but it should be eased into. All too often, the low carb diet causes people to become miserable because they immediately stop eating carbs. This sabotages progress because it is such a shock to the body. Gradually stop eating sweets, fast food and fried foods and you will see the results come much easier. Don’t forget about the plethora of fat loss supplements out there to help give you an extra boost along the way.

Incorporating cardio training and sensible eating habits with your abdominal workout is a three-way attack on stomach fat. With strict adherence to these three rules, six-pack abs will no longer be a fitness fantasy.


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